Katapult were proud sponsors of the Brand & IP Network Lounge at the Blooloop V-Expo 2020. As well as featuring live chats and webinars, our sponsored lounge also quizzed the industry on key topics surrounding the use of brands and IPs within the leisure and attractions industry.
Here are the key findings from the survey.
Continued reliance on IPs
Despite, a continued surge in brands and IPs intertwining with theme parks, family entertaiment centres, museums, and other attractions, delegates at the Blooloop V-Expo were adamant that IPs will still be essential to the industry’s future.
New projects soon
Despite the pandemic and slow down of the leisure and attractions industry, delegates were open about the amount of IP-themed attractions that are still going ahead and are soon to be live to the public.
Operators are in demand
What is the real challenge that sits in the way of more IP attractions opening? It was a tight result, but clearly delegates think a lack of operators, or indeed, suitable operators, is what needs addressing.
Staying relevant to guests
The real concern shared by delegates about existing attractions, was their ability to try and stay relevant to guests. The driving force behind this opinion seems to be the guarantee that the IP will continue to be relevant, and that attractions continue to invest and maintain standards in their operations.
IPs will always be needed
This is the opinion of most of the delegates who responded to our survey. Their opinion is that market saturation of brands and IPs within attractions is simply not an issue, and will never be an issue.
What makes an immersive experience?
Our delegates were split as to whether IPs were the only way to create an immersive experience. Here’s just some of the fantastic responses we received.

Working with IPs
Katapult continues to be relied upon by the largest IPs in the leisure and attractions industry, to create immersive experiences and maintain high standards of creative guardianship. From full-scale family entertainment centres, to memory capture areas, we have designed it all.